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New starters
Dear Parents and Carers
It is with the greatest of pleasure that I welcome you to our school community here at Dinton Church of England Primary School. It is my intention, alongside the staff and governors, to work with you to support your children in their journey through the school.
The welfare of your children and their progress are of the utmost importance to us and we want to ensure that all children have the opportunities to attain the highest possible standards in their work and in their personal development. To achieve this, we continually monitor the provision in the school to develop a varied, relevant and interesting curriculum so that your children, whatever their strengths or needs, have every chance to succeed.
We also encourage parents to become actively involved in their children’s education whether through supporting at home, meeting the teachers or even helping out in school. In order to keep you informed, I send out regular newsletters and offer you the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress both informally and at parents’ evenings.
My experience has taught me that children will flourish through genuine partnership between home and school. We are a welcoming school, so please feel free to come and talk to us. By working together as a team, you, as parents, and the staff can share the joy of helping your children to develop and mature through the school. Welcome to Dinton!
Yours sincerely
Mr Andrew Howard
Welcome from Mrs Harvey and Mrs Everett, Class Teacher
The Reception class is an important time in your child’s education where the foundations are laid for their future learning throughout their school career. In Robins class I aim to provide a friendly, caring and stimulating environment for your child’s learning. Some children who join us may be feeling a little apprehensive going into big school but will soon find that our school is a good place to make new friends and learn new things. In Robins’ class we learn and play both in the classroom and in our dedicated early years outside area.