
Our teacher is Miss Boyagis. We are a mixed class of 28 Year 3/4 children.

We have PE on Thursdays and Fridays.  Please ensure that your child has  their Dinton PE kit, suitable for indoor and outdoor lessons and a pair of trainers. 

Reading books and records must be brought in daily. Children should be reading with an adult and doing times table practise every day.

Spellings will be set every Monday, to be brought back the following Monday.

Click here to visit Times Table Rockstars and NUMBOTs


We are writing a fictional story based on the book How to Heal a Broken Wing. In SPAG, we are still recapping suffixes.

Book Club

In Book Club, we are reading Butterfly Lion. 


Fractions: to find fractions on a number line, understand improper fractions, convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa, to find equivalent fractions.

Times tables:

Year 3: secure with x2, x5, x10 and x3.

Year 4: revisit x7

Please remember to revise times tables regularly at home as well as in school.

Year 4 will have the statutory MTC (Multiplication Tables Check) in June in which the response time is 6 seconds!


Science topic: Light

We are conducting a shadow experiment!


Religious Education

RE topic: How do festivals and worship show what matters to Jewish people?

This week, we learning what different Jewish people celebrate Yom Kippur. 



History topic: Why did the Romans invade and settle in Britain?

We are exploring why the Roman army was so successful. 


Art topic: Growing Artists

This week, we are exploring botanical drawings. 


Computing topic: Scratch Programming

This week, we are storytelling using scratch.