
Week Beginning - Monday 18th November 2024

Welcome to week 3, we hope you've all had a lovely weekend.

This week we will be spending Tuesday afternoon, wrapping and filling shoeboxes with goodies for Christmas Box Appeal - House of Opportunity   This is a good opportunity for the children to be thinking of others less fortunate than themselves and  is always a busy but fun afternoon.

This week the children will be bringing home their lines for the Nativity play 'Shine Star Shine' and we ask that parents take time to help their child read and in most cases, learn their lines.  


The year 1 and 2 children continue to have three lots of homework per week: 

*Spellings will be given on Mondays and tested on Tuesdays.

*Maths homework books will be given out on Fridays, to be returned on Thursdays.

*All year groups have reading books going home daily, please take the time to share your child's book with them.  Reception and Year 1 children will keep their book for the week, to re-read for fluency, the books should come back in to school each day.


Phonics / Spellings

Reception  We continue with Phase 3 phonics as well as revisiting all the sounds taught so far daily.  The children will be learning the sounds sh, th, ng and nk with the tricky work push.  It really is important that the children take time after school to look through their reading books with an adult at home and revisit all the sounds and words covered so far.

Year 1  The children continue to re-learn phase 5 sounds, this week they will be:   y (baby) and al (walk).  The children will then be reviewing all sounds learned so far.

Year 2  This week the children will be learning words containing the following spellings:  Reviewing /j/ spelled 'g'  followed by an e or i,  reviewing /n/ spelled 'gn',   reviewing /s/ spelled 'c' followed by e or i.  


Y1/2 -  We continue with writing based on The Comet by Joe Todd-Stanton                      

Reception Drawing Club -  The Smartest Giant in Town .

New decodeable phonics books will be given to Reception and Year 1 children at the end of each week, containing the sounds and some tricky words that the children have been learning throughout that week.   They need to be read and re-read for fluency and expression, so that by the end of the following week, the children can read those words by sight.  If your child has two books in their bag, one might be for blending words with taught sounds or a book containing previous sounds to consolidate.


Year 1/2 - White Rose Maths - Place value within 100.  Using a number line to find one more/less and comparing numbers using symbols and ordering numbers.  They will be moving on to Shape towards the end of the week.

Reception - White Rose Maths - the children will be working with the numbers 4 and 5.


Understanding the World - History

Our unit this term is 'How am I making History'.  The children will be discussing memories and recording three different memories from their 'history' to add to their memory box. 

Religious Education

This term the children will be finding out about the Nativity story in the unit 'Why does Christmas matter to Christians?'  which will link up with the children's performance of the Nativity play in December.  This week, the children will be sequencing the key events of the Christian Christmas story on a time line.


Seasonal changes and Materials - this week, collecting data and noticing the daily weather.

Design Technology

Mechanisms - making a moving storybook, beginning this week with looking at how to design their moving storybook.


This year Mrs Jennison will be teaching PSHE on Tuesday mornings and this term the unit will be Celebrating Difference. 


This will be taught every Wednesday afternoon by Mrs Askew.   

Physical Education

The children will have a PE session with  our PE coach on Thursday mornings.

Could we also remind you:

  • Your child should be reading regularly at home in order to consolidate the sounds and words that they have been learning in school during the week, through regular reading, they will also become more fluent readers without having to sound out each word in a sentence.
  • Water bottles should only contain water, not squash, juice or flavoured water.
  • With the wetter weather staying with us, please can you send your child in with a waterproof jacket and welly boots to change into for playtimes

 Mrs Harvey and Mrs Everett