Week Beginning - Monday 3rd March 2025
Welcome to week 2 of Term 4.
This Thursday we look forward to celebrating Book day, children can come to school dressed as their favourite book character or bring in something related to their favourite book. We hope the children have also had the opportunity to create a book mark for the chance of winning a book voucher.
Spellings will be sent home on Monday and sheets returned next Monday, dictations and word tests will be given on Tuesday.
The year 1 and 2 children continue to have three lots of homework per week:
*Spellings will follow the same format as last term, they will be given on Mondays and tested on Tuesdays.
*All year groups have reading books going home daily, please take the time to share your child's book with them. Reception and Year 1 children will keep their book for the week, to re-read for fluency, the books should come back in to school each day.
All children have access to on-line books: Reception and Year 1 have allocated books on Oxford Owl (log in details in reading records) Year 2 have access to the books on the e-platform (log in details in reading records)
Phonics / Spellings
Reception This week the there are no new sounds to learn and the children will be reviewing all sounds during phonics lessons.
Year 1 This week the children continue to learn to read some alternative phase 5 sounds: (u) - o monkey, mother; (j) g - gem, gentle; (j) - dge, lodge, bridge.
Spellings - words containing split vowel digraph o_e and u_e
Year 2 Spelling lessons will focus on adding the suffix 'ing' to words where the 'e' needs to be removed.
Spellings sheets this week contain words using an apostrophe for contraction eg. can't
All Year 1 and 2 children are expected to learn their spellings and complete the spelling sheets weekly, in pencil please.
Y1/2 - The children will be doing NFER test reading papers this week and starting a short writing unit Milo Imagines the World on Friday. (Thursday will be Book day activities)
Reception Drawing Club continues with Giraffe's can't dance by Giles Andreae
New decodeable phonics books will be given to Reception and Year 1 children at the end of each week, containing the sounds and some tricky words that the children have been learning throughout that week. They should be read and re-read for fluency and expression, so that by the end of the following week, the children can read those words by sight. If your child has two books in their bag, one might be for blending words with taught sounds or a book containing previous sounds to consolidate.
Year 1/2 - White Rose Maths - Multiplication and Division , looking at arrays and grouping for sharing (division)
Homework books will go home on Fridays and must be back in school on the following Thursday. All Year 1 and 2 children should be completing their maths homework weekly.
Reception - White Rose Maths - Length, Height and Time
Understanding the World - Geography
We will finish our unit from last term - What is it like to live in Shanghai?. Knowing the five continents and identifying Human and Physical features of different areas. (see knowledge organiser below). Using atlases to locate Europe, Asia and China and comparing Dinton with Shanghai.
Religious Education
Our new unit is What do Christian's believe God is like? This week, the children will make a story cube for 'The Prodigal Son'.
This year Mrs Jennison will be teaching PSHE on Tuesday mornings and this term the unit will be Healthy Me
This will be taught every Wednesday afternoon by Mrs Askew.
Physical Education
The children will have a PE session with our PE coach on Thursday afternoon as well as daily 'Corefulness' sessions.
Could we also remind you:
- Your child should be reading regularly at home in order to consolidate the sounds and words that they have been learning in school during the week, through regular reading, they will also become more fluent readers without having to sound out each word in a sentence.
- Water bottles should only contain water, not squash, juice or flavoured water.
- With the wetter and sometimes colder weather staying with us, please can you send your child in with a waterproof/warm jacket and welly boots to change into for playtimes.
Mrs Harvey and Mrs Everett